Social and Emotional Learning Centre

Our Passion

Today's children are dealing with emotional struggles that affect their well-being and disrupt their lives. Parents worldwide are seeking solutions to help their children.

Our mission is to equip kids with vital life skills through social and emotional learning. We aim to nurture resilient, content individuals who make positive contributions to society.

Our Holistic Approach:

  1. Social and Emotional Learning (SEL): Through SEL programs, we teach emotional intelligence, including self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making.

  2. Building Resilience: We focus on helping children bounce back from setbacks, handle adversity, and maintain a positive outlook.

  3. Empathy and Compassion: Our curriculum emphasizes kindness, inclusivity, and support by nurturing empathy and compassion.

  4. Creating a Supportive Environment: We provide a safe, respectful, and inclusive learning environment. Our educators prioritize positive relationships, active listening, and personalized guidance.

  5. Partnerships with Families: We involve parents and guardians, recognizing their impact on a child's emotional well-being. We promote open communication, offer resources for parental support, and provide workshops to enhance parenting skills.

  6. Continuous Evaluation and Improvement: We consistently assess the effectiveness of our programs through monitoring, feedback collection, and data analysis to ensure they remain impactful and relevant.

Let's work together to address children's emotional challenges proactively. EQKidz empowers kids with essential life skills through social and emotional learning, creating a supportive environment, fostering resilience, cultivating empathy, and partnering with families. Join us in building a world where emotionally intelligent, compassionate children thrive, bringing joy and harmony to their lives and the lives of those around them.


Who Are We


Crystie Amorie Lim, CPC

Social & Emotional Intelligence Specialist

The Founder of BeyondSelf Coaching and EQKidz. Empowering & cultivating growth, from CEOs to young children since 2009.

Winner of 100 Most Influential Young Entrepreneurs Awards 2019

Winner of Best Social & Emotional Learning Program for Children by BabyTalk MamaPapa Readers’ Choice Awards 2019


The Founder

Crystie Amorie Lim is a highly accomplished and Certified Professional Coach (CPC), esteemed member of the International Coach Federation (ICF), trainer, and author, renowned for her profound impact on the lives of countless individuals, executives, families, and children. With a passion for mindfulness and social-emotional intelligence, Crystie has dedicated decades to studying and mastering these frameworks, firmly believing that they are the cornerstones of happiness and a fulfilling life.

Empowering Clients to Thrive through Mindfulness and Social-Emotional Intelligence

Through her extensive expertise in mindfulness practices and social-emotional intelligence skills, Crystie has partnered with clients to help them achieve their desired outcomes and unlock the happiness they deserve. By understanding and harnessing their unique qualities, she equips individuals with invaluable tools to overcome challenges and enhance their performance on a fundamental level. Crystie firmly believes that good social-emotional intelligence and mindfulness serve as the keys to resolving conflicts and cultivating harmonious relationships in any situation, with anyone. Her unwavering conviction in the inherent capabilities, gifts, and talents of every person has guided her transformative work.

Drawing Inspiration from Remarkable Personalities

Throughout her illustrious career, Crystie has had the privilege of working alongside remarkable and influential individuals in both personal and professional realms. By observing their exceptional approaches to handling people and situations, she has developed a comprehensive system that has empowered countless individuals to realize their true potential. Recognizing the traits shared by successful individuals, Crystie emphasizes the importance of personal development and the commitment to seeking professional support. Her clients benefit from her invaluable feedback, wisdom, knowledge, and skills, propelling them towards their dreams and desired life. Crystie has garnered a reputation as a highly respected professional coach, inspirational author, and effective trainer, revolutionizing and transforming the lives of many.

Enriching the Future Generation through Social-Emotional Intelligence and Mindfulness

Crystie places significant emphasis on nurturing and educating the next generation, as she firmly believes that social-emotional intelligence and mindfulness are essential life skills that can enrich their lives and contribute to the greater good of society. By imparting these invaluable skills, she aims to empower young individuals to lead fulfilling lives, embrace their potential, and positively impact the world around them.

Discover the Power of Personal Transformation with Coach Crystie

To learn more about Coach Crystie and embark on your journey of personal transformation, we invite you to visit her Facebook page at Explore the wealth of wisdom, knowledge, and insights she offers, and unlock the keys to living a life of fulfillments, purpose, and success.


Certified Coaches



Founder & Principal



Vice-Principal & Coach


Class Intake


Limited spots available per class session. Parents are required to reserve a seat for their children in advance, ensuring availability by at least one day before each session. Stay updated with the weekly class timetable on our WhatsApp group, exclusively for parents. As soon as new intake becomes available, parents will receive a notification. For more information about intake and classes, kindly schedule an appointment to meet our coaches at our center.



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