Social and Emotional Learning Centre
Emotional Intelligence begins to develop in the earliest years. All the small exchanges children have with their parents, teachers and with each other carry emotional messages.
— Daniel Goleman
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Hi, how are you?

I am dedicated to providing kids & teens the World Class Social-Emotional Development for their brighter future.


Our Mission

Cultivating Children To Become Socially And Emotionally Intelligent.

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What is SEL?

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.


Our Programs


Our programs are designed to suit children between the ages of 6 to 18. We utilize studies of child behavior and researched-based methodology from the United States in the development of our program. Our core value is to improve key skills across the many domains of child development, ensuring the effectiveness of our program. We take pride in providing a thorough social and emotional learning experience for the children we educate. Our programs are well designed to systematically promote students’ social and emotional competence and provide opportunities for practice. We deliver high quality training and ongoing supports to ensure the best learning for our students. We carefully conduct evaluations and document growth to show the long term impacts of our program on students behavior and overall well-being. Our evidenced-based program will ensure that our students can become the best versions of themselves.

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Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.
— Aristotle

Class Intake


Limited students per class for each session. Parents are to lock a sit for their children each class to ensure availability, latest a day before each session. Time table of each class will be stated in our whatsapp group available for each parents to view every week. Parents will be notify once intake is available. For more info regarding the intake and classes, kindly make an appointment to meet our coaches in our centre.



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